About Us
Hello and welcome to our project! Here is some information about what we do here and what we aim to achieve.At ‘News Coo Zines’ we aim to create projects that everyone can take part in. Free and digital-only projects that skip the application process altogether! Sure we will have limits on who can apply but that’s more of a number thing as we want to give everyone as much help and attention as we can!We believe in letting people join in the fun regardless of skill level, and provide a good first stepping stone into being part of zines and projects.This doesn't mean we don't welcome people who have been in plenty of projects : DKeep an eye on our carrd and social media for projects coming soon!
We aim to accept almost everyone who signs up but we do have a few basic rules.+No joke applications [Just to see if you will get accepted, only want to apply as a joke]+No drama [if you are known for harassment or anti-pro shipper discourse or have anything in your profile that is disrespectful to others ‘pro shitters’ ‘kys’ vibes] you will not be accepted.+We are a ship-and-let-ship environment but not every zine will allow shipping, we will have general themes too. We also will have designated sections in the server for such content for you to avoid.+ Everyone who signs up needs to be at least 18 years of age. [Mods are all in their 30s]+ You do not need any previous zine experience to join. We welcome people who have been in 0 zines or 100 zines!+There will be no homophobia, racism, politics, transphobia or other such talk permitted in our projects our are servers.+ There will be no drama allowed in any project and mods have the right to remove people from the project.
List of all past, present and future zines!
Current Projects
One Piece Beginner's Zine
One Piece Tarot Zine
Bellmere Zine
Roger/Rouge Anthology Zine
Through the Night, an OP ABO Zine
Future Projects
Deuce/Ace Zine (2025)-Events-
One Piece x Horror Movies [2025]
Past Projects
One Piece Soulmate Zine
One Piece Boys, Boys, Boys zine
One Piece Crack Ship Event
Pride Bingo!
One Piece Halloween Zine!
One Piece Cosplay Zine
News Coo Kinktober 2024
Polyam Pirates Zine!
One Piece Calendar Project
The Team
Sign Ups
Here you can find all our projects for sign-up!
Here you can find all our projects for download!
Girls, Girls, Girls!
Soulmate Zine
Boys, Boys, Boys!
Trick or Treat? Halloween Zine [TREAT]
Trick or Treat? Halloween Zine [TRICK]
The Marco Project
Grandline: A One Piece Cosplay Zine
Polyam Pirates Zine!
One Piece Calendar 2025 [Shipping] -PRINTABLE VERSION
One Piece Calendar [Shipping] -Fic Version
One Piece Calendar 2025 [Gen 1] -PRINTABLE VERSION
One Piece Calendar [Gen 1] -Fic Version
[One Piece Calendar 2025 Gen 2 -PRINTABLE VERSION
One Piece Calendar [Gen 1] -Fic Version
Join Our Team
Do you want to be part of the team? We are often looking for mods for our various projects from writing to formatting!Due to our projects being free there is no payment, just the chance to be part of a group and have fun.We are also taking on intern mods, people who want to get their foot in the door for being a mod in zines and to learn skills.Keep an eyeout for openings on this page!
Will be looking for new mods in 2025!